My big girl turned 6 months old on December 30, 2011!
Where has the time gone?
Now that Zaire is 6 months old, she gets to ride in the car like a big girl... no more crate in the back.
We have started to practice the Car command. At first she was very shy about jumping into the car. Now that she's a little taller, and with a little motivation with a treat, she'll jump into the car. She'll then climb up on the seat and she likes to face the window as we drive. For her protection, I'm going to buy a doggie seat belt to keep her safe.
In puppy class the past several months we've been luring our pups with treats instead of using commands. This helps the pup get familiar with moving their bodies around. Once you feel they have mastered the position, you can introduce commands. I've been practicing commands with Zai and she's making good progress, but consistence is key. We need to practice every day! And use less and less treats.
Remember: Practice will make perfect, but it takes time. They are puppies after all!
Our next task at hand is working on the Speak command. Speak is used to get the dog to bark.
Once she knows Speak, then we'll teach Quiet. I'll report back on the progress next month. This shall be interesting. I'll have to record a video for proof.